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Project Highlights

​​​The project has been divided into six sections, which are in various stages of development and funding.

Section A: I-40 in Sampson County to West Trade Street (Duplin County)
Section B: West Trade Street to Country Club Road (Wayne County)
Section C: Country Club Road to South Landfill Road (Wayne County)
Section D: South Landfill Road to Genoa Road (Wayne County)
Section E: Genoa Road to Arrington Bridge Road (Wayne County)
Section F: Arrington Bridge Road to I-795 (Wayne County)

Sections A and B are not currently funded in the 2020-2029 STIP, but are in the planning phase. Sections C-F are funded for right-of-way acquisition, but not construction, in the 2020-2029 STIP.

The schedule for unfunded sections will be determined based on future updates to the State Transportation Improvement Program​, which occur about every two years.

Purpose & Need Statement

As part of the proposed project to upgrade the U.S. 117 corridor near Goldsboro, the N.C. Department of Transportation’s project team is working on a Purpose & Need Statement, a document required both under state law and as part of the project development process. The statement, which is currently under review, is as follows:

The draft purpose for the project is to enhance north-south mobility in the region by completing the I-795 freeway connection between I-40 and I-95. The freeway connection would provide a high-speed, fully controlled access highway within the U.S. 117 Corridor. Full control of access means vehicles can enter or exit the highway at interchanges.

Additional benefits include reduced potential for crashes due to the elimination of driveways, intersections and railroad crossings and fulfilling the Strategic Transportation Corridor vision.

U.S. 117 is a designated Strategic Transportation Corridor and is an important part of the Strategic Highway Network.  The roadway serves both local and regional traffic, including commuters.

Because there is no freeway connection between I-795 and I-40, the ability to efficiently move people and goods safely through the area is impeded for roadway users.

Other transportation concerns that c​ontribute to decreased mobility along the corridor are:

  • Approximately 100 driveways, 35 intersections and two railroad crossings
  • High truck volumes between I-40 and I-795
  • Crash rates exceed the statewide average crash rate for roadways with a similar number of lanes and traffic volumes.
  • Traffic congestion at several interchanges during peak travel times 

Environmental Studies​​

​Project development and environmental studies are underway. The study area for the project, as outlined in red on the project vicinity map, is subject to change as the planning process progresses. ​

Last updated Aug. 23, 2022