Feasibility studies date to 1994, with the most recent completed by the N.C. Department of Transportation in July 2015.
That feasibility study evaluated freeway upgrades for I-795/U.S. 117 from I-40 to Goldsboro and was an initial step in the planning and design process for this project, providing preliminary design concepts.
Several comprehensive transportation plans support the need to improve this corridor. They include plans for Wayne County, Duplin County and Mount Olive. The Goldsboro Metropolitan Planning Organization also supports the project.
Although the feasibility study included potential roadway routes, detailed analysis is needed to address transportation solutions and potentially develop designs so that disruption to properties and other sensitive resources is minimized.
At the current stage of project development, which is being conducted in compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act (also known as the State Environmental Policy Act or SEPA), NCDOT will conduct more detailed analysis, which will include refining the design and developing alternatives.