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Strategic Transportation Corridors

​​​​North Carolina's Strategic Transportation Corridors form the core network of multimodal passageways. These 25 corridors move large volumes of people and freight across the regions of the state and to key markets outside the state.

The transportation facilities and services within the corridors connect centers of economic activity of statewide and regional significance. Preserving the physical condition of these facilities and the quality of the service they provide supports North Carolina’s goals for economic development and will guide long-term planning at statewide, regional and corridor levels.

These strategic corridors are considered the state’s highest priority when analyzed within the framework of regional or local transportation plans.


The N.C. Department of Transportation's vision is for North Carolina to have an identified network of high-priority transportation corridors that integrate all modes and connect statewide and regional transportation-dependent activity centers, to enhance economic development, to promote highly reliable and efficient mobility and accessibility, and to support good decision-making.

Last updated Jul. 20, 2020