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Corridors Master Plans

​​​​The Strategic Transportation Corridors policy requires the N.C. Department of Transportation to develop strategic master plans for each of the state's 25 designated corridors.

The intent is to develop a consistent transportation vision​ for each corridor – based on stakeholder input and sound technical assessment – that recognizes economic development objectives, advances regional planning and corridor project development activities, and can streamline the project development process.

NCDOT is currently working on master plans for:

  • Corridor D (U.S. 321/CSX)
  • Corridor P (U.S. 70 East/North Carolina Railroad)
  • Corridor S (I-795/U.S. 117)
  • Corridor U (U.S. 74 West/U.S. 74 East)
  • Corridor X (U.S. 258/N.C. 111/U.S.13)

More information on the development of these plans is available on Connect NCDOT, the department's website for online collaboration and resources for business, professional and working partners.

Last updated Jul. 20, 2020