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Rockingham Bypass (Future I-73/74)

Rockingham Bypass (Future I-73/74)
The map above shows only the project's general location. (View detailed maps.)
Project Information Left Table
Status:Under Construction
STIP Number:R-3421
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:$308.1 million
Start Date:November 2019
Completion Date:June 2025

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Traffic Information

What's traffic like in the Rockingham Bypass (Future I-73/74) project area. 

For real-time traffic information, please visit or follow NCDOT on Twitter​.
​Construction is underway on a four-lane, median-divided freeway to be built on a new location from U.S. 74 Business interchange west of Rockingham to Harrington Road. The 7.2-mile route will be designated as U.S. 220/Future I-73/74.

For construction and funding purposes, the project is divided into three sections.​

  • Section A (R-3421A): From U.S. 74 Bypass West of Rockingham at Zion Church Road interchange to 0.3 miles south of Old Charlotte Highway.

  • Section B (R-3421B): From 0.3 Miles south of Old Charlotte Highway to north of Harrington Road.

  • Section C (R-3421C): From north of Harrington Road to the I-73/74/U.S. 220 Interchange south of Ellerbe. This section was upgraded to interstate standards in September 2019. 

The Rockingham Bypass is expected to reduce congestion by removing interstate traffic from signalized intersections, local roads, and highways. As a secondary benefit, the project may improve safety within Rockingham by providing a main route for continuous through travel for passenger vehicles and trucks. 

Within North Carolina, I-73 and I-74 are identified as Corridor F and Corridor H, respectively, on the Strategic Transportation Corridors​ multimodal network. 

These corridors move large volumes of people and freight across the regions of the state and to key markets outside the state. The transportation facilities and services within the corridors connect centers of economic activity considered to be of statewide and regional significance.

Upcoming Public Meetings

There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.

Project Funding

This project is listed as Project R-3421A, R-3421B and R-3421C in the N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program and is funded for $278 million.

*Estimated costs subject to change

Project Timeline

*Future dates subject to change


Cary Fine

Resident Engineer
NCDOT Highway Division 8

300 DOT Drive
Asheboro, NC 27204

Last updated Nov. 1, 2023