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Project Highlights

​​The Rockingham Bypass (Future ​I-73/74) will be a four-lane median divided freeway, providing a bypass for traffic along I-73/74 around ​Rockingham. It will be an access-controlled freeway, meaning it will only be accessible from interchanges.

The existing U.S. 74 Bypass will be upgraded between west of Zion Church Road and the U.S. 74 Business interchange to include six 12-foot travel lanes and a 60-foot median. The new highway section between the U.S. 74 Business interchange and U.S. 220 interchange will include four 12-foot travel lanes with a 70-foot median.

New interchanges will be constructed at U.S. 74/U.S. 74 Business, Cartledge Creek Road and U.S. 220 near Sandy Ridge Church Road. ​Grade separations — where bridges separate intersecting roads and/or railroads — will be located at Old Charlotte Highway and Harrington Road. 

Construction of the interchange at U.S. 220 and grade separation at Harrington Road are complete.​

Last updated Dec. 13, 2023