Before You Begin
The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles uses an online service, called PayIt, that allows you to take advantage of completing multiple services in one secure transaction.
PayIt collects a $3 fee per online transaction plus a 1.85 percent card processing fee, These fees are used to deliver quality services more efficiently with no upfront costs to NCDMV. The State of North Carolina does not collect or benefit from the transaction or processing fees.
Check out
some frequently asked questions for more information about PayIt and how to use the service.
Please note: You are ordering a duplicate registration card only, a renewal sticker will not be issued. Need to replace your sticker or plate? Learn more.
Ready to Order?
What You Need
To order a duplicate vehicle registration card online, you will need the following information, which can be found on your renewal notice or your registration card:
- Your vehicle license plate number
- The last five digits of the vehicle title number
Other Ordering Options
Prefer not to pay the transaction fee? You can order a duplicate vehicle registration
card at
an NCDMV license plate agency, or by mailing an
Application for Duplicate Registration Certificate (MVR-10) along with the duplicate card fee to:
N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles
Renewal, Title & Plate Unit
3148 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27697-3148
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Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries