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Administrative Hearings

​​​​As directed by the N.C. General Assembly, the N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles collect fees for administrative hearings requested on or after Jan. 1, 2018, for requests to reinstate:

  • A revoked or suspended driver
  • A revoked plate as a result of not having liability insurance
  • An operator license for an inspection station, automotive dealer or mechanic

There are no fees for medical hearings.

NCDMV will notify a driver by mail of their eligibility for a hearing as well as information about associated fees and the deadline for submitting requests.

Requesting a Hearing

There are three ways a driver or vehicle owner can request a driver license hearing. 


You can request and pay for a hearing through an online service called PayIt. PayIt collects a $3 fee per online transaction​ plus​ a 1.85 percent card processing fee​, These fees are used ​to deliver quality services more efficiently with no upfront costs to NCDMV. The State of North Carolina does not collect or benefit from the transaction or processing​​ fees. 

Request a Hea​ring & Pay N​​ow​​

By Mail

By mailing a completed administrative hearing form – along with the applicable fees​ – to the address on the appropriate form. Please note: Requests without the paid fee will not be processed.


Make an appointment at a driver license office with a completed administrative hearing form and pay applicable administrative hearing fees.

​​NCDMV will notify an applicant of their hearing date within 30 business days.


Canceling a Hearing

To cancel a hearing, complete the appropriate cancellation form below and mail or fax as indicated on the form.

Cancellation requests must be postmarked at least 10 business days prior to the date of the scheduled hearing to receive a partial refund.

NCDMV does not issue refunds for franchise dealer hearings.



Last updated Jun. 30, 2024

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