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Lost, Stolen & Damaged Plates & Registration Stickers

​​Lost, stolen and damaged license plates and registration stickers may be replaced by filling out an Application for Replacement Plate and taking it to an N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles license plate agency.

Proof of liability insurance provided by a company licensed to do business in North Carolina as well as the vehicle insurance policy number are required to obtain a replacement plate.

If the plate has been lost or stolen, you are required to complete a MVR-18A Form.

Damaged Plates

If a plate has been mutilated, faded or rusted, or if an incorrect sticker has been attached, the license plate must be returned when a vehicle's registered owner submits an Application for Replacement Plate.

Stolen Plates

An owner of a vehicle with a stolen plate must certify that they are entitled to a replacement plate.

Registration Stickers

If a plate’s vehicle registration sticker is defective, faded, lost or has an incorrect sticker attached, the vehicle’s registered owner must submit an Application for Replacement Plate/Sticker.


Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries

Last updated Sep. 15, 2020

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