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Personalized Plates


Personalized Plates

Standard and special license plates can be personalized for an additional fee and can be ordered online, by mail or at a N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles license plate agency.

Individuals are charged at the time of purchase and at each annual registration renewal.

It takes up to eight weeks for an individual to receive a personalized plate.

Please note: Supreme Court case law has deemed state-issued license plates as "government speech" and provides the issuing agency with broad discretion in refusing to issue or recall a plate with an in​decent word/phrase or meaning. Therefore, such speech is not subject to a First Amendment analysis.

Order by Mail

Download and complete the appropriate plate application form and mail it with payment to:

N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles
Specialized & Personalized Plates
3155 Mail Service Center
Raleigh North Carolina 27697-3155

Learn More 

Last updated Jan. 11, 2023

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