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​​The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles continues to implement projects to improve the experience of its customers. The division’s latest endeavor is the Q-Anywhere project which allows customers to avoid having to wait in line at a driver license office.

Q-Anywhere lets customers check in by scanning a QR code and texting a short message to get and hold their place in line. Customers are then free to queue anywhere – they can wait​in their vehicle, or they can run other errands in the immediate area to pass the time. Customers are alerted via text to enter the lobby when staff is​ ready to serve them.

For customers without a cellphone, DMV is working to implement a mobile paging system like those used in the restaurant industry​.

Q-Anywhere builds on previous DMV initiatives, including an ever-increasing number of online services​.​

Last updated Aug. 18, 2022

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