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Economic Benefits of Rail in N.C.

​​​​​​​​The Economic Contribution of Rail in North Carolina report is the first of its kind and connects the importance of North Carolina’s rail system to the state’s economy, today and tomorrow. The report was created in partnership with the Institute for Transportation Research and Education, or ITRE, at N.C. State University.

The research analyzed 2019 economic and 2022 ridership data to reflect the most recent, complete data and economic impacts. Data from the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 were left out of the report.

​The report highlights specific economic impacts and contributions from the full rail sector, including freight rail, passenger rail and rail tourism. According to the report, North Carolina’s rail systems contribute more than $20 billion to the state’s economy and support 88,000 jobs. ​

Last updated Feb. 15, 2024