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Project History

​​​February 1996 - The N.C. Department of Transportation prepared a feasibility study for the improvement of Poplar Tent Road from Derita Road (SR 1445) to Concord Parkway (U.S. 29-601 Bypass).

April 15, 2004 - NCDOT held the first citizens' informational workshop. During this early stage of the project development process, the limits of the project were from Derita Road/Odell School Road on the west end to Concord Parkway (U.S. 29-601 Bypass) on the east end (6.1 miles). At that time, the only alternative being considered was widening existing Poplar Tent Road.

December 12, 2006 - An interagency team made up of representatives of local, state and federal governmental agencies met and reached agreement on the project's purpose to improve existing access to Concord Regional Airport, reduce traffic congestion, and improve safety and various intersections along Poplar Tent Road.

April 2008 - Field surveys found that the project was expected to have only minimal impacts to streams and wetlands. Therefore, the interagency team agreed it no longer needed to meet to review this project. At the same time, project studies were suspended due to funding limitations.

December 2011 - The project limits were revised to show the project beginning at Gable Oaks Lane/Woodhaven Place rather than Derita Road/Odell School Road, which shortened the project by 1.7 miles (the new project length is 4.4 miles).

June 2012 - A citizens' informational workshop was held June 18, 2012, to provide an update on the Poplar Tent Road widening project to the local communities.

Spring 2015 - Project studies were suspended in anticipation of the project being dropped from the 2016-2025 State Transportation Improvement Program.

June 2015 - The project was not included in the 2016-2025 State Transportation Improvement Program.

August 2017 - The Board of Transportation adopted the 2018-2027 State Transportation Improvement Program, which includes the Gable Oaks Lane/Woodhaven Place to George Liles Parkway section of the project. The George Liles Parkway to Concord Parkway section of the project is currently unfunded.

Last updated Feb. 18, 2022