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Project Highlights

​Work to widen Poplar Tent Road would include two lanes in each direction with curb and gutter, a 23- to 30-foot-wide raised median, turn lanes and pedestrian and bicycle accommodations.

Two design alternatives are being considered: 
  • Alternative 1 would widen the road on its existing location
  • Alternative 2 would widen the road on a new location in some areas
The median divided street design separates each direction of travel on Poplar Tent Road with curb and gutter and a 23-to 30-foot-wide raised median.

A variety of innovative intersections would be built to improve safety and reduce delays for drivers.

A continuous flow intersection will be built at Poplar Tent Road and George Liles Parkway. Roundabouts​, directional crossovers, thru-cut intersec​tions​ and reduced conflict intersections​ will also be implemented along the corridor.

Last updated Dec. 14, 2023