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N.C. 62 Widening - Ramada Road to U.S. 70

N.C. 62 Widening - Ramada Road to U.S. 70
The map above shows only the project's general location. (View detailed maps)
Project Information Left Table
Status:In Development
STIP Number:U-5844
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:Three-Lane Option: $24.2 million, Two-Lane Option: $26.9 million
Start Date:Spring 2025
Completion Date:TBD
​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview

Planning is underway to widen about a mile of N.C. 62 (Alamance Road) from Ramada Road to U.S. 70 (Church Street) in Burlington.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Preferred Alternative Selected

Based on public input provided by community and local officials, the N.C. Department of Transportation has selected a three-lane alternative as the preferred alternative and has decided to remove the proposed roundabout. Please refer to the Comment Summary & NCDOT Response to Public Comments​ and the Project Timeline (below) for scheduled right of way acquisition and construction dates.
N.C. 62 is currently two lanes through most of the proposed project area and serves numerous businesses, residents and commuters. Widening the highway, as well as other improvements, would improve traffic flow, help relieve congestion, and support regional mobility and accessibility. Once complete, it also would better accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians and enhance safety for all roadway users.

These goals reflect the community vision for the roadway reflected in regional transportation plans.

Upcoming Public Meetings

There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.

Project Funding

Improvements to N.C. 62 from Ramada Road to U.S. 70 are listed in the N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program as Project U-5844 and is funded for $24.2 million to $26.9 million.

* Estimated costs are subject to change

Project Timeline

*Future dates subject to change


Brandon L. Green, P.E.

Project Engineer
Highway Division 7

PO Box 14996
Greensboro, 27415-4996

Dewayne Sykes, P.E.

Consultant Project Manager - KCI Associates of NC

4505 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 400
Raleigh, NC 27609-6270

Last updated Jun. 7, 2022