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Moore County Transportation Plan

Moore County Project

The Moore County Comprehensive Transportation Plan is a long-range vision covering all aspects of the county's transportation needs through 2040.

Created cooperatively between the N.C. Department of Transportation, Moore County and local and regional planning agencies, this transportation plan emphasizes the local land development plan as well as statewide goals – including public safety and mobility – and local priorities, such as economic development, improving existing corridors and preserving natural areas.

Early stages of this process identified five focus areas:

  • U.S. 1
  • West End
  • Western Connector (N.C. 5)
  • N.C. 24/27 in Carthage
  • N.C. 24/27 in Cameron

The Moore County Transportation Committee considered these factors along with public feedback to make final recommendations about the area's transportation infrastructure. The final recommendations will need to be locally approved, funded and evaluated under a federal process to determine the final design details and location.

Draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan

The Comprehensive Transportation Plan includes proposed projects to cover transportation needs and meet growing traffic challenges through 2040 across Moore County.

On Nov. 15, 2017, the Moore County Transportation Committee finalized a draft list of proposals that was presented to the public in eight countywide meetings in April 2018.

2018 Public Meetings

The Moore County Transportation Committee held eight public involvement meetings to present the draft Comprehensive Transportation Plan and seek input. The public also submitted comments online.

For more information about the Comprehensive Transportation Plan and its importance, watch this short video.

Meeting Materials


Scott Walston, P.E.

Traffic Group Supervisor
Planning & Systems

1554 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1554

Last updated Feb. 24, 2022