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Project Highlights

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Alternative 1SB was chosen by the N.C. Department of Transportation as the Preferred Alternative, for the future U.S. 70 Kinston Bypass.

The route begins near the N.C. 903/ U.S. 70 interchange in La Grange and would follow existing U.S. 70 for approximately 7 miles to just east of N.C. 148 (C.F. Harvey Parkway). 

Interchanges would be located at Willie Measley/Jim Sutton roads, Albert Sugg/Barwick Station roads and N.C. 148 (C.F. Harvey Parkway). 

A new interchange east of N.C. 148 would provide access to a section of the selected bypass, which would parallel existing U.S. 70 to the south of the new location for approximately 6.5 miles.

Interchanges along the new location portion of the selected route would be located at N.C. 11/N.C. 55, U.S. 258 (South Queen Street), and N.C. 58 (Trenton Highway). 

A new interchange east of Lenoir Community College would connect the shallow bypass back to existing U.S. 70. 

Alternative 1SB would then follow existing U.S. 70 from this interchange east to the project terminus east of Dover and would upgrade U.S. 70 to a full control of access highway with interchanges at Wyse Fork /Caswell Station roads and Old U.S. 70 (West Kornegay Street) in Dover.
How Alternative 1SB was Chosen​

​After several public meetings, Alternative 1SB was selected based on having the most public support, shortest project length, least amount of projected wetland impacts, highest projected net economic benefit, while also preserving the rural character of southern Lenoir County.

The next steps for the project include the development of more detailed designs. The public can expect a Final Environmental Impact Statement and a Record of Decision in 2023. The funding for the project has been divided into five sections (A-E) in the 2024-2033 STIP, where the scheduled right of way acquisition and construction dates are shown in the table below.

Design Revisions Since 2022

​Since the roadway designs were published in June 2022​, NCDOT has continued to make improvements and revisions based on public input and the goal of minimizing impacts to the environment and cultural resources, such as the Wyse Fork Battlefield. As a result, NCDOT announced in May 2024 the following design revisions to these three proposed interchanges below:  

CF Harvey Parkway: The existing interchange with N.C. 148/CF Harvey Parkway and U.S. 70 would remain in place. The previously proposed connection via a new bridge to U.S. 70 Business (Vernon Avenue) would not be provided. Instead, drivers who wished to make this connection would need to use the U.S. 70 Business and U.S. 70 interchange located to the east of N.C. 148. This design revision, which would reduce property impacts, was made after reviewing traffic data. 

Caswell Stat​ion/Wyse Fork Roads: The previously proposed interchange would be moved farther east by 0.3 miles and be a compressed-diamond interchange design. NCDOT made this revision to provide a reasonable balance between competing interests, the needs of the project, and the requests made by stakeholders who make up the Section 106 Consulting Parties. (See FAQ​ for additional information).

Dover: The previously proposed interchange involved a bridge over the railroad. The revised design brings Burkett Road over U.S. 70 at an angle and terminates the project before the railroad crossing, eliminating the need to build an overpass. This change was made based on the future travel demand for this interchange, and it reduces property impacts.​ 

​​​​Righ​​t of Way Acquisition & Construction Dates for Project Sections


​*​​The above table is based on the 2024-2033 STIP.


The K​inston Bypass would be approximately 21 miles of a four-lane, median divided freeway accessible via ramps at interchanges. When complete, the bypass would improve regional mobility, connectivity, and capacity for U.S. 70, reducing traffic congestion and delays that exist along U.S. 70 between La Grange and Dover.​

​The preferred alternative can be viewed the following ways:​​

Draft Environmental Impact Statement

The Draft Environmental Impact Statement was used to select the Preferred Alternative 1SB for the project. The full report is available for the public on this website along with technical studies that inform the DEIS.

The project team is currently working on the Final Environmental Impact Statement, which will evaluate the potential impacts of the Preferred Alternative 1SB. The public can expect a Final Environmental Impact Statement in 2025, followed by a public hearing. A Record of Decision is scheduled to be completed in 2026.​

​​Other Nearby Projects

NCDOT completed the planning and environmental study to upgrade a 2.8-mile segment of U.S. 70 that would encompass the western end of the Kinston Bypass project, just south of La Grange. Please visit the Little Baltimore project website​​ for more information.

Last updated Jan. 7, 2025