Project Overview
Planning and environmental studies by the N.C. Department of Transportation are underway on a proposed project west of Kernersville in Forsyth County. The project will widen and extend Big Mill Farm Road as well as improve Hopkins Road from Harmon Creek Road to West Mountain Street (N.C. 66).
Work will also involve building an interchange at U.S. 421/Salem Parkway.
Improvements are needed to reduce congestion in downtown Kernersville, particularly in the area around the interchange of U.S. 421/Salem Parkway with South Main Street, where traffic is expected to increase once work on the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway is complete.
The new interchange and roadway connections will better distribute local traffic through the transportation network, decreasing volumes on existing local roads and interchanges.
The project will also improve mobility and access to major highways in west Kernersville and accommodate economic development expansion within the area.
The project – part of the proposed Kernersville Boulevard, which will eventually loop around the town – will also improve mobility and access to major highways in west Kernersville and accommodate economic development expansion within the area.
Upcoming Public Meetings
There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.
Project Funding
This project is listed as Project U-5760 in the N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program and is funded for $65.312 million.
*Estimated costs subject to change