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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Grant​ Training Video

​​The Governor’s Highway Safety Program helps fund the efforts of law enforcement agencies, local governments, community​ organizations, schools and nonprofits to reduce traffic crashes in North Carolina.

These programs are funded on a federal fiscal year basis (Oct. 1 through Sept. 30). Grant applications are accepted from Jan. 1-31, though rare exceptions may be made ​​​​at other points in the GHSP grant cycle.

GHSP funds grants​ that address the following areas of highway safety:

  • Drunken driving
  • Seat belt safety
  • Police traffic services
  • Young drivers
  • Motorcycle safety
  • Traffic record-keeping

GHSP also provides funds to address distracted driving and to make roads safer for older drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, commercial motor vehicles and school buses.


2/5/2025 12:03 PM