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Booze It & Lose It

Booze It & Lose It truck
Recognized as one of the nation's most effective anti-drunk-driving campaigns, Booze It & Los​e It has created increased awareness of the dangers and the consequences of drinking and driving through innovative education campaigns and extensive enforcement of impaired-driving laws.

During each campaign, law enforcement agencies increase the number of patrols and officers in an area, set up checking stations and use local news media to reach out to drivers.

Motorists caught driving while impaired could face jail time, lose their driving privileges and pay an average of $10,000 in fines, towing fees and other expenses associated with a DWI.

That's not a small price, and it doesn't even count the heftier price: the potential cost of a lost life.

Even with the success of Booze It & Lose It, more than 9,000 people have lost their lives in alcohol-related crashes in North Carolina since the program's introduction in 1994.

During enforcement campaigns, law enforcement agencies increase the number of saturation patrols, set up checking stations and use local news media to reach out to all drivers.

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Last updated Oct. 24, 2023