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Administrative Hearing Fees Request Terms of Service

​​​​​​As a part of your transaction, you must read – and accept – the certification of intended use, which certifies that you have a legitimate need for this data and that you are entitled to the information under one or more permissible uses set forth in the North Carolina Driver Privacy Protection Act. This information will be logged for auditing purposes each time you conduct an online driving record search.

Certification of Intended Use

I certify under penalty of law that I am entitled to personal information from the requested driving record under one or more of the permissible uses listed in the federal Driver Privacy Protection Act.*

I am aware that there are federal criminal and civil penalties for knowingly obtaining, disclosing or using this personal information for a purpose not permitted under DPPA (18 U.S.C. Sections 2721-2724).

I also understand that North Carolina G.S. 20-43.1 prohibits someone from obtaining personal information from a driver record by purposely or knowingly misrepresenting his or her identity or the use for which he or she is seeking that information. Anyone who does so may be charged with felony tampering with a public record.

*  See Authorized Usage List below.​​

Authorized Usage List

Chapter 123, Section 2721 of the U.S. Code (Driver Privacy Protection Act) and N.C. G.S. 20-43.1 require that personal information in DMV records be closed to the public.

This refers to:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Driver license or ID number (also called customer number or control number)
  • Phone number*
  • Social Security number*
  • Medical and disability Information*
  • Photos*

* Access to this information is further restricted by various state and federal laws.​​

Disclosure of Personal Information​

  • For the applicant's own personal record
  • For use in the normal course of busi​ness by a legitimate business, but only:
    • To verify accuracy of personal information
      • Preventing fraud by the individual
      • Recovering a debt or security interest against the individual
  • For use in connection with any civil, criminal, administrative or arbitral proceeding in any federal, state or local court or agency (including the execution or enforcement of judgments and orders or court orders)​

Last updated Apr. 9, 2024

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