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Curriculum Basics


​The goal of the Let's Go NC! curriculum is to help children achieve an active and healthy lifestyle by teaching walking and biking skills. Although some children might be aware of ways to stay safe as pedestrians or bicyclists, the purpose of this program is to help them transfer that knowledge into an automatic response.

Let’s Go Walking! and Let’s Go Biking! can may be taught independent of each other. They are designed to teach concepts and skills in five lessons for developmentally appropriate levels: kindergarten and first grade, second and third grade, and fourth and fifth grade.​​

Each lesson builds on the skills learned in the previous unit. The content is customized based on needs and concerns from North Carolina teachers and stakeholders. Teaching both lesson sets will give children the skills to be safe, healthy and active in their daily lives.

Let's Go Walking!

Let's Go Walking! covers five areas of pedestrian safety. Each lesson has a discussion and demonstration of core concepts, a skill-building activity, and a video to accompany the lesson review.

The lessons build in difficulty from one level to the next, requiring greater problem-solving and a higher level discussion.

Let's Go Biking!

Let’s Go Biking! also targets five areas. Because of the cognitive and motor skill developmental differences from kindergarten to fifth grade, the topic areas include more advanced skills-based lessons as the teaching level increases.

The lessons progress from basic knowledge, healthy living concepts and safety concepts in the classroom to on-bicycle skill-building activities in a simulated outdoor environment. As children progress through grade levels, more time is spent on skills development with hands-on activities.

The lessons for each grade grouping include a classroom discussion and demonstration,​​ and hands-on skill-building activities that occur outdoors. Some lessons include a video to complement instruction.

Last updated Nov. 16, 2022