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Statewide Strategic Plan


​​​One of the fastest growing states in the nation, North Carolina is expected to see its population rise to more than 12.5 million people by 2040 – a 32 percent increase from the state's 2010 population.

Consider this as well:

  • Much of that growth will occur in major metropolitan areas, which are projected to house 81 percent of the state's overall population.

  • Smaller communities are expected to see population growth of more than 180,000.

That's why it is crucial that North Carolina's public transportation systems keep up with the changing population and connect residents in urban and rural areas to opportunities and services such as jobs, higher education, healthcare and recreation.

The Public Transportation Statewide Strategic Plan will help public transit systems keep pace with growth through improved partnerships and recommendations for strategic transit investments that build upon the success of the state's transit systems.

With a vision of “Connecting North Carolinians to Opportunities,” the Strategic Plan recommends expanded local and regional commuter services and spells out strategies to focus transit spending.

The plan features a Connected Statewide Network with 70 suggested new routes, linking rural and urban areas with scheduled transit service to give more North Carolinians access to major hospitals, community colleges and employment centers.​


Blair Chambers

Planning & Contracts Officer
Statewide Strategic Plan

1550 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1550

Last updated Nov. 16, 2022