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Statewide Locally Coordinated Plan Update

The Statewide Locally Coordinated Plan, prepared under the guidance of the N.C. Department of Transportation’s Integrated Mobility Division, identifies opportunities to expand mobility options for seniors and individuals with disabilities, particularly in rural and small urban areas.

The first plan was established in 2018 to cover fiscal years 2022-2024. NCDOT is updating the plan to cover fiscal years 2025-2029. Community needs will be analyzed, and strategies will be developed, which will be prioritized for implementation in the 5-year time frame.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which authorizes up to $108 billion to support federal public transportation programs, continues to require a comprehensive Statewide Locally Coordinated Plan to identify and select projects eligible for Section 5310 (Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities) funding. The Plan also meets planning requirements for the state-funded Rural Operating Assistance Program. 

This plan includes: 

  • Coordination with transportation planning agencies
  • Public and private transportation providers
  • Participation by older adults and people with disabilities 
  • Non-profit transportation providers
  • Human services providers
  • Other government agencies that administer social service programs

​​Locally Coordinated Planning Districts

Because of the differing needs and challenges across the state, a one-size-fits-all approach would not capture specific local and regional needs so the state was divided into 10 planning districts. The priorities and implementation strategies will be unique to each district. 

Click to enl​​arge.​

The Locally Coordinated Planning Project Team held three virtual workshops in 2023 to inform the public about the planning process and how to provide feedback. The content for all three workshops were identical. A video of one of the workshops can be viewed below.


​​Project Schedule​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Hart Evans

Statewide Planning & Programming Manager
NCDOT - Integrated Mobility Division

Mail Service Center 1550
Raleigh, NC 27699-1550

Last updated Sep. 22, 2023