Page ContentTable CaptionCity/TownKey StakeholdersAdvisory CommitteeApexTown of Apex and Town of Apex Transit CommitteeTown of Apex: Shannon Cox, Russell Dalton, Dianne KhinWake County: Akul Nishwala, Tim GardinerFranklintonTown of FranklintonTown of Franklinton: Greg Bethea and Shumara Thomas Franklin County: Scott Hammerbacher and Andy KuhnHendersonCity of Henderson and Kerr-Tar Regional Council of GovernmentsCity of Henderson: Edward Blackmon, Paylor Spruill, Frank Muraca and Marcia Machado PerrittNorlinaTown of Norlina and Kerr-Tar Regional Council of GovernmentsWarren County: Charla Duncan and Cynthia JonesRaleighCity of Raleigh, Raleigh Housing Authority, Wake Up Wake and N.C. State UniversityCity of Raleigh: Kenneth Bowers, Patrick Young, Tansy Hayward, John Anagnost and Travis CraneWake County: Akul Nishwala and Tim GardinerSanfordCity of Sanford, Sanford Planning Commission, Lee County Commissioner, Lee County Senior Services, Brick Capital Community Development Corporation and Central Carolina Community CollegeCity of Sanford: Hal Hegwer, Marshall Downer and David MontgomeryWake ForestTown of Wake Forest and GoTriangleTown of Wake Forest: Kip Padgett, Lisa Hayes, Courtney Tanner and Brad WestWake County: Akul Nishwala and Tim GardinerYoungsvilleTown of Youngsville Town of Youngsville: TBDFranklin County: Scott Hammerbacher and Andy Kuhn Last updated Nov. 16, 2022