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Partnerships and Key Strategies

Improve Public Safety for Walking and Bicycling

A primary goal of this Plan is to improve safety for all roadway users through strategic, consistent and interconnected pedestrian and bicycle facility improvements, along with appropriate policies and strategies for accident prevention, education and enforcement. NCDOT and public safety agencies will work cooperatively to implement the recommendations defined within this Plan.

This diagram represents the partnerships and lead agencies necessary to address this principle.
Public safety for pedestrians and bicyclists
Objectives (The WHAT)
Create a strategic, consistent, and connected pedestrian and bicycle network Improve safety of pedestrians and bicyclists Increase and improve enforcement of motorist/bicyclist/pedestrian laws to ensure law abidance Improve crash data reporting and mapping and preventative/pro-active safety strategies
Performance Measures (The EVALUATION)
Pedestrian and bicyclist crash and fatality rates (per capita) Pedestrian and bicyclist crash and fatality rates (per capita) relative to other states Number of schools, universities, and colleges participating in pedestrian and bicycle safety education/encouragement programs Cities, businesses, and universities designated as Bicycle and Walk Friendly by the League of American Bicyclists and the Highway Safety Research Center Improvements at bicycle and pedestrian crash hotspots and the subsequent impact on crash reduction
Example Strategies (The HOW)
Make strategic facility improvements Evaluate the factors considered as part of bicycle and pedestrian HSIP projects Improve enforcement efforts Continue education programs (including rights of the road) Develop policies and strategies for accident prevention Sustain Safe Routes to School program Use FHWA Crash Modification Factors to support decision-making Build partnerships between transportation and public safety agencies Establish evaluation/benchmarking program
Find out more about the 5 Pillars of the Plan