Walking and bicycling are the most efficient types of transportation available. These trips require less infrastructure, reduce congestion, and improve personal health. Nationally, according to an FHWA National Household Travel Survey completed in 2009, walking trips make up 10.9% of trips (42 billion out of 388 billion annually). Yet, today in North Carolina, our roadway network is designed primarily for the automobile. Walking and bicycling are not consistently viable means of transportation with a lack of an interconnected network of pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
Improve mobility and accessibility and reduce traffic congestion through greater investment in walking and biking infrastructure, improved transportation equity and choice, connectivity among transportation modes, and reduced traffic congestion through coordinated land use and transportation planning.
Goals : Increase percentage of new and existing roadways that include pedestrian and bicycle facilities. Implement Complete Streets.
WalkBikeNC sets a course for addressing these mobility topics. Learn more about mobility issues in North Carolina and how you can help!