Action Steps
Improve transportation efficiency and mobility strategically with greater investment in walking and biking infrastructure (through a Complete Streets approach), improved transportation equity and choice, connectivity between transportation modes, and through better coordination between land use and transportation planning.
ID | Recommended Action Step Idea | Lead Agency | Agency Partner(s) | Chapter Ref. |
M1 | Seek innovative funding opportunities such as public-private partnerships, regional projects, multi-agency/multi-objective collaboration. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M2 | Revisit policies that require local sponsors to cost-share for pedestrian and bicycle improvements that were incidental to roadway projects. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M3 | Encourage local government funding participation to advance pedestrian/bicycle projects. | NCDOT | Municipalities | 5 |
M4 | Develop better tracking of pedestrian and bicycle facility costs and revenues (especially for incidental/Complete Streets projects). | NCDOT | 5 | |
M5 | Document the process by which infrastructure recommendations in local and regional pedestrian and bicycle plans will be incorporated into the funding process at the state level. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M6 | Revisit scoring models for the Highway Safety Improvement Program to allow for more bicycle and pedestrian project funding. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M7 | Maximze funds recevied by NCDOT for the MAP-21 Transportation Alternatives Program to be directed toward bicycle and pedestrian projects. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M8 | Consider ways roadway maintenance programs can more efficiently Consider sidewalk retrofit and shoulder retrofit programs.include bicycle accommodations. | NCDOT | 5,8 | |
M9 | Consider sidewalk retrofit and shoulder retrofit programs. | NCDOT | 5,8 | |
M10 | Work with municipalities to develop process of identifying and establishing "shovel-ready" pedestrian and bicycle projects. | NCDOT | Municipalities | 5,8 |
M11 | Ensure that planning is conducted at the statewide, regional, and local scales so that a vision and recommendations are articulated. The best way to capitalize on a pedestrian or bicycle plan is to develop engineering documents for priority projects so that good information about land acquisition and cost estimates are available. | NCDOT, Municipalities, MPOs/RPOs | 5 | |
M12 | Consider changes to policies affecting the inclusion, funding, and preparation for planned pedestrian and bicycle facilities. At the State level, the NCDOT Complete Streets policy will make pedestrian and bicycle projects more affordable as part of roadway projects. Locally, governments can adopt policies for dedication of rights-of-way for future on-road and greenway corridors for pedestrians and bicyclists. In addition, local policies such as Capital Improvement Programs, can set aside dollars to match outside funding sources for pedestrian and bicycle projects. | NCDOT, Municipalities, MPOs/RPOs | 5 | |
M13 | Compete for state, federal, and other funding sources through open calls and prioritization methodologies. Having preliminary engineering work complete, land acquired, and a local match can make the project more competitive. Projects should serve a strong local transportation purpose but also serve the community or region as a whole by drawing economic development and health benefits. | NCDOT, Municipalities, MPOs/RPOs | 5 | |
M14 | Maintain pedestrian and bicycle facilities once they are built. This is largely a local government responsibility. Well planned maintenance maximizes the original investment and lessens the time for replacement. | NCDOT, Municipalities | 5 | |
Mobility: Planning | ||||
M15 | Update DBPT pedestrian and bicycle planning grant program to address more urban needs such as access to transit, ADA transition, corridor plans, and economic development. Also update the planning program to cover all counties with regional bicycle plans. | NCDOT-DBPT | 5 | |
M16 | Provide consistency between recommendations in pedestrian and bicycle portions of Comprehensive Transportation Plans (CTPs) with locally-adopted pedestrian and bicycle plans. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT – Transportation Planning Branch | 5 |
M17 | Align DBPT staffing with nature of planning program. | NCDOT-DBPT | ||
M18 | Work closely with NCDOT division offices during the development of bicycle and pedestrian plans to understand the constructability of projects included in the plans. | NCDOT | 5 | |
Mobility: GIS Data Standardization | ||||
M19 | Promote and improve the framework developed for bicycle and pedestrian plan GIS geodatabase development. | NCDOT-DBPT | 3,4 | |
M20 | Actively work to collect GIS files of bicycle and pedestrian facilities for the NCDOT database. | NCDOT-DBPT | MPOs/RPOs/local governments | 3,4 |
M21 | Once finalized, train Bicycle & Pedestrian Division staff on this framework and direct them to ensure its use during each planning process. | NCDOT-DBPT | 3,4 | |
M22 | Distribute the framework to municipalities around the state and encourage them to generate and maintain data in this format going forward. | NCDOT-DBPT | MPOs/RPOs/local governments | 3,4 |
M23 | Re-evaluate attributes and nomenclature bi-annually and update to incorporate new facilities as they are developed. | NCDOT-DBPT | MPOs/RPOs/local governments | |
M24 | Provide online mapping application for viewing pedestrian and bicycle routes and facilities for officials and public. | NCDOT-DBPT | MPOs/RPOs/local governments | 3 |
Mobility: GIS Data Transfer and Data Maintenance | ||||
M25 | Consider assigning staff resources to manage and maintain the comprehensive pedestrian & bicycle database. | NCDOT-DBPT | 3,4 | |
M26 | Set up process by which the database is updated regularly. | NCDOT-DBPT | MPOs/RPOs/local governments | 3,4 |
M27 | Communicate the existence and goals of the database with local GIS staff around the state. | NCDOT-DBPT | MPOs/RPOs/local governments | 3,4 |
M28 | Modify existing datasets (from municipal plans, CTPs, and other planning efforts) to match the selected framework, leaving gaps where they exist, and merge into one master database. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT-Transportation Planning Branch | 3,4 |
M29 | Make built environment/GIS data available to researchers for economic and health impact analysis. | NCDOT-DBPT | DHHS | 3,4 |
Mobility: Statewide Bicycle Routes | ||||
M30 | Develop strategic plan for transitioning from existing statewide bicycle route network to expanded network. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT Divisions, MPOs/RPOs | 4 |
M31 | Consider developing state "business routes" to complement bicycle routes where they avoid cities. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT Divisions, MPOs/RPOs, local governments | 4 |
M32 | Consider upgrading signage to include wayfinding information and be maintained by each division of NCDOT. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT Divisions | 4 |
M33 | Promote statewide and regional bicycle routes through online viewers and and smartphone applications. | NCDOT-DBPT | 4 | |
M34 | Set up an online form for individuals to report missing signs and designate one point person within DBPT to field those reports and communicate them to the appropriate local division. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT Divisions | 4 |
M35 | Consider prioritizing roadway improvements along state bicycle routes to provide paved shoulders. Also, state bike routes can be prioritized that provide connectivity between state parks, natural areas, and other North Carolina destinations. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT Divisions | 4 |
Mobility: Prioritization | ||||
M36 | Establish Pedestrian and Bicycle Quality Level of Service prioritization factor, e.g., Q/LOS Model. | NCDOT | ITRE; private consultant | 5 |
M37 | Update ped/bike prioritization including the inclusion of social equity/health prioritization factors. | NCDOT | ITRE; DHHS | 5 |
M38 | Create health factor requirements that are appropriately scaled to project or plan size. | NCDOT | ITRE; DHHS; Active Living by Design | 5 |
M39 | Prioritize roadway improvements along state bicycle routes (updated in this planning effort) to provide paved shoulder. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT Divisions | 4 |
M40 | Create an economic impact prioritization factor when data and analysis is available. | NCDOT | Department of Commerce | 5 |
Mobility: Design | ||||
M41 | Implement Complete Streets policy from planning to construction of all eligible projects. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M42 | Unify the current policies into a comprehensive, single set going forward. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M43 | Clarify preferred design policies for bicycle and pedestrian facilities. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M44 | Consider updating the Roadway Design Manual to contain more design details to support the Complete Streets Design Guidelines. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M45 | Conduct audits of Complete Streets implementation and compliance with Complete Streets. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M46 | Update greenway design and construction standards in consultation with all affected business units in NCDOT, local government, and NCDENR. | NCDOT | DENR | 5 |
M47 | Expand guidance to include a more thorough, detailed list for specific pedestrian and bicycle treatments (utilize Chapter 6 toolbox). | NCDOT | 5 | |
M48 | Conduct a comprehensive comparative assessment of current policies and identify and correct conflicts and deficiencies. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M49 | Develop a strategy and timeline for updating all other state design resources to comply with guidance provided in the Complete Streets Design Guidelines. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M50 | Clarify pedestrian and bicycle needs on bridge structures in urban, rural, and transitioning areas that reflect the lifespan of bridges. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M51 | Develop and publish new crosswalk marking guidelines consistent with the MUTCD. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M52 | Consider requiring pedestrian and bicycle (Complete Streets) training and require eduction credits be met every two years. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M53 | Continue to update the Complete Streets Planning and Design Guidelines to follow statewide and national practices and federal guidelines. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M54 | Provide clear guidance regarding the inclusion of Complete Streets elements in roadway projects. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M55 | Consider including official policy statements in areas such as lane widths, liability, and the preference for bike lanes over wide outside lanes. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M56 | Consider a standard protocol to require a proactive review of lane widths and capacity during new construction, reconstruction and resurfacing projects with the purpose of determining if bike lanes or wide paved shoulders can be implemented as a part of the project. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M57 | Clarify the complete streets appeals process, for example to document who can make appeals, what information is needed, how and to whom it should be submitted, and how appeals will be evaluated. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M58 | Build and document the relationship between the Complete Streets policy and the Main Streets program. | NCDOT | 5 | |
Mobility: Access to Transit | ||||
M59 | Ensure clear/breakaway zone policies allow transit amenities including signage, benches, shelters, bike racks/lockers, bike stations, and other items at transit stops that maintain safety for all roadway users. | NCDOT – Public Transportation Division | DBPT | 3,4 |
M60 | Expand access to transit planning program to include focus on high-crash areas, high-volume transit services, and major transit terminals. | NCDOT – Public Transportation Division | DBPT | 3,4 |
M61 | Clarify policies with regard to ADA-compliant transit stops to ensure the stop itself is compliant, but also to provide an accessible and safe path of travel to sidewalks and intersections in the vicinity of the stop. Policies should also address the pros and cons of nearside versus far-side transit stops, and provide methods to accommodate necessary pedestrian crossings of wide streets at controlled and uncontrolled locations to access transit stops on the other side of the street. | NCDOT – Public Transportation Division | DBPT | 3 |
M62 | Per the recommendations for the RDM (Chapter 6),consider providing detailed design guidance for the placement of benches, shelters, bike parking and bike lockers associated with longer term transit facilities such as park and ride lots. | NCDOT – Public Transportation Division | DBPT | 3,4 |
M63 | Ensure bike-on-bus and bike-on-train opportunities are available along with education and ease of use. Encourage Amtark to allow bikes on trains without being boxed (this is a significant barrier to train/bicycle travel between the state's two largest metropolitan areas). | NCDOT – Public Transportation Division | DBPT, regional and local public transportation agencies | 4 |
Mobility: ADA Transition Plan | ||||
M64 | Adopt the U.S. Access Boards Draft PROWAG and incorporate the guidelines into the new RDM (see previous recommendation) and all roadway design projects. | NCDOT | 3 | |
M65 | Consider preparing a Transition Plan for State-Owned Public Right-of-Way in North Carolina, and develop a monitoring program for ongoing self-evaluation (including GIS inventory/evaluation of sidewalks, signals and crossings). | NCDOT | 3 | |
M66 | Consider conducting staff training on the new PROWAG. | NCDOT | 3 | |
M67 | Consider updating the Transition Plan described above on a two-year cycle. | NCDOT | 3 | |
Mobility: Roadway Maintenance | ||||
M68 | Encourage local government and division/district staff to communicate about upcoming rehabilitation projects, and the importance of setting aside money in capital budgets to help with cost-sharing responsibilities. Establish a regular annual or biannual meeting to discuss upcoming projects. | NCDOT | Local governments | 5 |
M69 | Provide early notification to municipalities of maintenance restriping schedules (as this is the best time to incorporate pedestrian and bicycle facilities). | NCDOT | Local governments | 5 |
M70 | Develop and promulgate standard maintenance agreements and work with Division Offices to understand how they work and are applied to non-traditional partners. | NCDOT | University – land planning institute | 5 |
M71 | Develop setting guidelines for magnetic induction loop detectors that increase the range of sensitivity to cyclist presence. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M72 | Improve bike lane and paved shoulder sweeping programs as collaborative effort. | NCDOT, local governments | 5 | |
M73 | Market the NCDOT "Contact Us" and "DOT4YOU" system to improve online form for individuals to report missing signs. Additionally, NCDOT should designate one point person within the Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation Division to field these reports and communicate them to the appropriate division. | NCDOT-DBPT | NCDOT Divisions | 4 |
Mobility: Legislation | ||||
M74 | Evaluate state legislation that deals with minimum passing requirements, lane positioning, and hand signaling; reconsider the contributory negligence law. | NCDOT | NC State Legislature; BikeWalkNC | 5 |
Mobility: Land Use Integration | ||||
M75 | Consider adopting a multi-modal transportation efficient land use policy and direction. | NCDOT, Division of Community Assistance | NC State Legislature | |
M76 | Consider tools for Municipalities, Counties, and NCDOT including context and transect-based approaches, small area plans, and use of Conservation Planning Tool and Green Growth Toolbox. | NCDOT, Municipalities | 5 | |
M77 | Encourage local governments to develop current land use plans and development policies in advance of CTP development. | NC State Legislature | 5 | |
M78 | Research best practices and case studies in the state and surrounding states for coordinated land use and transportation planning and development efforts. | NCDOT | Healthy Environments Collaborative | 5 |
M79 | Consider providing incentives to local communities that develop land use and corridor plans with adopted codes that support multi-modal transportation efficient land use. | NCDOT | NC State Legislature | 5 |
M80 | Encoourage partnerships between local land use planners, MPOs, and NCDOT to encourage understanding of land use goals such as smart growth and transportation strategies. | NCDOT | NCCOGs | 5 |
M81 | Ensure consistency in the understanding of the terminology and definitions for land use and transportation by all stakeholders. | NCDOT | MPOs/RPOs/local governments | 5 |
M82 | Research best practices for including bicycle and pedestrian issues and mitigation options within local Traffic Impact Studies. | NCDOT | 5 | |
M83 | Consider providing on-going support to surrounding communities during planning, design and implementation of the multi-modal transportation efficient land use plans (new transportation planner in each division). | NCDOT | 5 |