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Local Resources

The following groups play significant roles in encouraging the development of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure along with the programs that support their success. They are vital to making North Carolina communities more walkable and bikeable. To learn more about these organizations, please click on the names below.

Advocacy Groups

The following groups play significant roles in encouraging the development of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure along with the programs that support their success. They are vital to making North Carolina communities more walkable and bikeable. To learn more about these organizations, please click on the names below.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Commissions

The following bicycle and pedestrian committees/commissions are official bodies that report to their local government or MPO on bicycle and pedestrian-related issues. The Committees meet regularly and help to prioritize the implementation of infrastructure, policies, and programs. To learn more about these groups, please click on the names below.

Did we miss your group?

Please submit your advocacy group or bicycle/pedestrian committee and a link to your website or social media site.

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