Facilities for bicyclists and pedestrians generate economic returns through improved health, safety, and environmental conditions, raise property values, and attract visitors. In North Carolina's Outer Banks alone, bicycling is estimated to have an annual economic impact of $60 million and 1,407 jobs supported from the 40,800 visitors for whom bicycling was an important reason for choosing to vacation in the area (1). The economic impact analysis conducted as part of WalkBikeNC found tremendous economic return on investment for expanding the statewide trails network.
1) Institute for Transportation Research and Education at North Carolina State University. (2004). The Economic Impact of Investments in Bicycle Facilities: A Case Study of the Northern Outer Banks.Maximize economic competitiveness, return on investment and employment opportunities by creating more attractive walkable and bikable communities through increased public and private funding.
Goals : Increase investment in pedestrian and bicycle projects and focus where return on investment is greatest. Analyze economic impacts of pedestrian and bicycle projects.
WalkBikeNC sets a course for economic competitiveness through bicycling and walking. Learn more in this module about economic opportunities in North Carolina. Learn more in this module about economic opportunities in North Carolina and how you can help.