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Project Highlights

​​​​​Environmental and Preliminary Design Studies

The N.C. Department of Transportation is conducting detailed field studies for the proposed U.S. 74 Express Lanes – I-277 to Idlewild Road project area to identify potential impacts to human and natural environments, including a traffic noise analysis.

NCDOT is also preparing preliminary design plans for the proposed improvements to U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard) from I-277 to Idlewild Road. Final design for the proposed project will be combined with the proposed U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard) from west of Idlewild Road to Wallace Lane project. These two proposed projects will provide express lanes along U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard) from I-277 to Wallace Lane. In addition, the U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard) from west of Idlewild Road to Wallace Lane project will provide a direct connector road between the express lanes and Conference Drive on the west side of Conference Drive. The direct connector road between the express lanes and Conference Drive on the east side of Conference Drive will be provided with future U.S. 74 (Independence Boulevard) projects.​

The project team is also coordinating with local stakeholders about nearby projects, including the Charlotte Area Transit System Silver Line light rail project, to review proposed improvements and discuss the continuity the proposed U.S. 74 Express Lanes project has with all projects along the corridor. 

Last updated Feb. 22, 2024