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Project Highlights

Functional and safety improvements are proposed by the N.C. Department of Transportation along an existing two-lane 3.8-mile stretch of U.S. 25/U.S. 70 in Madison County.

The roadway will be upgraded to current NCDOT standards, to the extent feasible within the physical constraints of the project area. The safety improvements planned include improving sight distances, adding turn lanes, sidewalks, and accommodations for school buses.

Skyway Drive to Derringer Drive

Proposed work on U.S. 25/U.S. 70 from east of Skyway Drive to Derringer Drive would involve:

  • Widening lanes and upgrading the roadway to current NCDOT standards
  • Adding sidewalks to the easternmost Ingles Market driveway on the north side and the length of the shopping center on the south side
  • Adding bicycle lanes in both directions  
  • Installing pedestrian signals and a crosswalk at the intersection of Derringer Drive/Student Drop-off Way and U.S. 25/U.S. 70  

Derringer Drive to Brush Creek Road

Proposed work on U.S. 25/U.S. 70 from Derringer Drive to Brush Creek Road would involve:

  • Widening lanes
  • Adding shoulders and/or bicycle lanes where conditions allow
  • Adding guardrail where needed
  • Upgrading the roadway with turn lanes and other safety improvements

NCDOT also proposes:

  • Including crosswalks and pedestrian “landing pads” at the U.S. 25/Upper Brush Creek Road intersection
  • Adding a right turn lane on U.S. 25 northbound to ease congestion associated with elementary and middle school traffic

Public Involvement

A newsletter regarding the project was sent out to area residents, as well as to all students at the elementary, middle, and high schools. Additionally, NCDOT sought public feedback in May 2019 in the form of a survey.

Last updated Apr. 11, 2022