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U.S. 221 Widening

U.S. 221 Widening
The map above shows only the project's general location. (View detailed maps)
Project Information Left Table
Status:Under Construction
STIP Number:R-2915 (sections A, B, C, D and E)
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:$154.7 million
Start Date:Summer 2015
Completion Date:December 2025

​​​​​​Project Overview

Work is underway to widen U.S. 221 from U.S. 421 in Deep Gap to U.S. 221 Business/N.C. 88 in Jefferson to a four-lane median-divided highway.

The 16.1-mile project is designed to improve traffic flow, increase capacity, reduce the number of crashes, and increase regional connectivity (easier travel for larger vehicles) along this highly traveled corridor.  

U.S. 221 is key to the High Country and connecting Boone with Jefferson. It is the main corridor into Ashe County for commuters and commercial vehicles. Ashe County is the largest producer of Christmas trees in the nation and is home to a GE Aviation plant.

Much of the widening involves smoothing out curves and reducing grade inclines, which will provide greater sight distances​ for drivers.

Last updated Mar. 29, 2022