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U.S. 220 Widening (Greensboro)

Project Information Left Table
STIP Number:N/A
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:N/A
Start Date:N/A
Completion Date:N/A

​​​​​​Project Overview

Planning and development are underway on a proposed project to widen U.S. 220 (Battleground Avenue) in Greensboro to six lanes (three lanes in each direction) from Westridge Road to the eastbound I-840 ramps. Work would also involve installing a median and sidewalks on both sides.

Widening Battleground Avenue is needed to address congestion and improve mobility now and in the future. The planned improvements are also expected to have a positive impact to safety. The crash rate for this section of Battleground Avenue is well above statewide averages for similar facilities.

The U.S. 220 widening project is included on the Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Metropolitan Long-Range Transportation Plan​ and Compr​ehensive Transportation Plan​.

Upcoming Public Meetings

There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.

Project Funding

This project is listed as Project U-5892 in the N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program and is funded for $16.9 million.

Project Timeline

*Future dates subject to change

Last updated Jan. 23, 2025