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Project Highlights

The U.S. 19/23 (Future I-26) improvements project is in the early planning phases with ongoing surveying in the project area for roadway design development. This action is not an indication of what properties the N.C. Department of Transportation will purchase for U.S. 19/23 right of way.

Project Context

Current land use along the project corridor includes residential, institutional, commercial, industrial and agricultural properties. Land uses in the southern portion of the study area are urban, while land uses in the northern portion of the study area are rural.

Study Process

The proposed project is being developed in accordance with a process outlined by the National Environmental Policy Act, a law that requires agencies to study the environmental effects of their proposals and document the analysis.  Once all studies are complete, an environmental document that details the findings – called an Environmental Assessment – will be released to the public.

Last updated Jul. 10, 2018