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U.S. 17 Feasibility Study

U.S. 17 Feasibility Study
The map above shows only the project's general location. (View detailed maps.)
Project Information Left Table
STIP Number:N/A
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Estimated Cost:$849.7 million to $945.2 million
Start Date:2015
Completion Date:2018

​​​​​Study Overview

The N.C. Department of Transportation conducted a feasibility study to determine the impacts of upgrading U.S. 17 to an interstate (Future I-87) from U.S. 64 in Williamston, Martin County, to the Virginia state line – a corridor that runs through Bertie, Camden, Chowan, Martin, Pasquotank and Perquimans counties.

The study, which began in 2015, looked at upgrading the existing route as well as building U.S. 17 on a new location in some areas. Additionally, there is an alternate proposed route that provides a connection between Camden and Currituck County. It would tie to N.C. 168 near the Virginia state line.

U.S. 17 is critical to economic development in the northeastern region of North Carolina. It speeds delivery of agricultural products to local markets and the Port of Virginia in Norfolk, and serves the logistical needs of the military.


Shane York, P.E.

Project Manager
NCDOT Division of Planning & Programming/Feasibility Study Unit

1534 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1534

Last updated Oct. 19, 2020