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U.S. 158 Widening

U.S. 158 Widening
The map above shows only the project's general location. (View detailed maps)
Project Information Left Table
Status:In Development
STIP Number:​R-2582, R-2584
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:​R-2582: $56.8 million,R-2584: $112.3 million
Start Date:N/A
Completion Date:N/A

​​​​Project Overview

​To improve safety as well as improving both traffic flow and access to existing and potential future industry along the U.S. 158 Corridor in Northampton County, the N.C. Department of Transportation is proposing to widen U.S. 158 from the I-95/N.C. 46 interchange west of Garysburg to the Murfreesboro Bypass.

The improvements would include widening from the existing two-lane road to a four-lane, median-divided road and also rerouting parts of U.S. 158 around the communities of Garysburg, Jackson, Faison’s Old Tavern and Conway.

Upcoming Public Meetings

There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.


C.W. "Win" Bridgers, P.E.

Division Engineer
Highway Division 1

113 Airport Drive, Suite 100
Edenton, NC 27932

Last updated Dec. 6, 2019