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U.S. 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements

U.S. 158 (Reidsville Road) Improvements
The map above shows only the project's general location. (View detailed maps)
Project Information Left Table
Status:In Development
STIP Number:R-2577
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:$298.4 million
Start Date:2022
Completion Date:TBD

​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview

The N.C​. Department of Transportation plans to widen 18.8 miles of U.S. 158 to multiple lanes from U.S. 421/Salem Parkway in Winston-Salem to U.S. 220 in Guilford County.

The route has a high percentage of truck traffic and a high crash rate. As many as 20,000 vehicles travel on this section of the highway each day. That number is projected to increase to as many as 57,000 vehicles per day by 2035. The road was not originally designed to accommodate such high traffic levels.

The project will improve motorist safety by helping traffic flow more efficiently.

Sections B and C will be reprioritized for funding in the next State Transportation Improvement Program​. A schedule for right of way, utilities and/or construction for those sections has not been finalized at this time. Planning and environmental studies are complete for all sections. Also, Division 9 is requesting the end of section B to be moved from Anthony Road in Guilford County to Piney Grove Road in Forsyth County for the next round of prioritization.

roject Funding

This project is listed as Project R-2577 in the N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program and is funded for $298.4 million.

Last updated Jul. 21, 2023