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Transportation Plans


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Transportation Plans

Transportation Plans & the Agencies Involved

Now that you understand the types of transportation projects, let’s discuss the different types of transportation plans and the different agencies that are responsible for developing those plans. There are state, regional and local agencies responsible for those transportation projects and plans that you can engage with.


NCDOT is responsible for building and maintaining North Carolina’s state-maintained transportation system. The department has proposed, planned and on-going projects across North Carolina supported by divisions, each of which are dedicated to different modes of travel: Aviation, Rail, Ferry, Highways, Public Transportation, Bicycle and Pedestrian, State Ports and Freight.

NCDOT relies on the priorities of local and regional agencies to help prioritize funding for needed projects. These agencies include municipalities, regional transit agencies and planning agencies called Metropolitan Planning Organizations, or MPOs, and Rural Planning Organizations, or RPOs

These agencies provide a point of contact for you to get involved and truly shape the transportation system in your area and throughout the state

Which Agencies Manage Which Plans

Click below to learn which agencies are responsible for the each type of transportation plan.

Type Of Transportation Plan

Managing Agency

Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan


State DOT

State Transportation Improvement Program


State DOT

Comprehensive Transportation Plan/
Metropolitan Transportation Plan


State DOT

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

Rural Planning Organization (RPO)

Transportation Improvement Program


Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

Public Involvement, Transit, Bicycle, Pedestrian & Corridor Plans


State DOT

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)

Rural Planning Organization (RPO)

Transit Agency

8/1/2023 4:31 PM