Page Content Start DateEnd DateContainingApplyReset Public Meeting Set for Proposed Improvements to N.C. 73 in Mecklenburg County Tuesday, November 07, 2023 The N.C. Department of Transportation invites the public to learn more about several projects in development to improve N.C. 73 between N.C. 16 in Lincoln County and U.S. 29 in Cabarrus County Public Meeting for Proposed Improvements to N.C 73 in Cabarrus, Mecklenburg Counties Tuesday, January 21, 2020The N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public meeting next week to present information about a project to improve a section of N.C. 73 between Davidson-Concord Road in Mecklenburg County and U.S. 29 in Cabarrus County. Preferred Route Selected for N.C. 73 Expansion in Mecklenburg, Cabarrus Counties Friday, June 14, 2019The N.C. Department of Transportation, working with local, state and federal agencies have selected a preferred route for a project to improve a section of N.C. 73 between Davidson-Concord Road in Mecklenburg County and U.S. 29 in Cabarrus County. Back1Next Last updated Dec. 14, 2023