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Project History

In 2005, environmental documents were completed, and the merger team selected Alternative F as the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (an alternative that provides the best transportation solution while balancing impacts to the environment) for the N.C. 43 Connector between N.C. 55 and U.S. 17 Business in Craven County.

The project was divided into section A (between U.S. 70 and Trent Creek Road at U.S. 17 Business) and section B (between N.C. 55 and U.S. 70). Section B is complete, and work is underway on section A. An interchange off U.S. 70 to N.C. 43 was constructed previously, in lieu of a ramp in the southeast quadrant. The N.C. Department of Transportation has purchased sufficient right-of-way for a future ramp in the southeast quadrant as future traffic volumes warrant the construction thereof. This will serve as a connection between U.S. 17 and U.S. 70 along N.C. 43.

Last updated Jul. 17, 2024