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N.C. 150 Widening Improvements

N.C. 150 Widening Improvements
The map above shows only the project's general location. (View detailed maps)
Project Information Left Table
Status:In Development
STIP Number:R-2307A, R-2307B & I-5717
Project Information Right Table
Estimated Cost:R-2307B, I-5717: $249 million
Start Date:2025
Completion Date:2030

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project Overview

​Planning and development are underway for a project that would improve traffic flow and reduce traffic congestion on 15 miles of N.C. 150 ​from the N.C. 16 Bypass in Catawba County to just west of the U.S. 21/N.C. 150 interchange in Mooresville, in Iredell County.

This proposed work would involve widening the mostly two-lane highway to multiple lanes as well as improvements to the I-77/N.C. 150 interchange in Mooresville.

Improvements to N.C. 150 would accommodate current and future traffic volumes and reduce traffic congestion.

Currently, 5.5 miles from Greenwood Road in Catawba County to U.S. 21 in Iredell County is under construction (R-2307B). ​

Upcoming Public Meetings

There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.

Project Funding

This project is listed as Projects R-2307A, R-2307B and I-5717 in the N.C. Department of Transportation's State Transportation Improvement Program. R-2307B/I-5717 is funded for $249 million. Estimated funding for R-2307A has yet to be determined​. 

Project Timeline

*Future dates subject to change


Toll Free Project Hotline

(984) 205-6615, access code 7128

Keith Anderson, P.E.

Resident Engineer
NCDOT Highway Division 12

Last updated Feb. 7, 2025