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Project History

June 2015:  The project was unfunded in NCDOT's State Transportation Improvement Program.

October 19, 2011: A news release was issued announcing that environmental studies had begun for Alternatives 1, 2 and 4 and that Alternative 3 had been removed from further consideration due to impacts to the Nantahala National Forest.

​Dec. 16, 2010: The project merger team, made up of representatives of local, state and federal governmental agencies and the Tribal Historic Preservation Office of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, met and reached agreement on several issues:

  • Revised the project study area, since the project was shortened to begin at West Buffalo Creek rather than the Cherohala Skyway;
  • Selected Alternatives 1, 2, and 4 to carry forward for detailed study;
  • Decided not to carry Alternative 3 forward for detailed study due to severity of potential adverse impacts to the Nantahala National Forest; and
  • Modified Alternative 2 slightly west of S.R. 1125 to more closely follow existing N.C. 143, thereby minimizing environmental impacts.

Merger Meeting Map/Project Study Area Limits and Preliminary Alternatives, December 2010

August 4, 2008: The project was presented for informational purposes during a regularly-scheduled meeting of the EBCI Tribal Council in Cherokee.

May 15, 2008: A meeting was held with local officials at the Graham County Public Library in Robbinsville, and a Citizens Informational Workshop was held at Robbinsville High School. Study corridors for four preliminary alternatives (Alternatives 1, 2, 3 and 4) were presented. Fourteen people attended the local officials meeting and 30 to 40 people attended the workshop. Two written comments and several verbal comments were received.

Workshop Announcement, April 2008

CIW Project Information Packet, May 2008 (26mb)

CIW Preliminary Study Corridors Map, April 2008 (24mb)

March 4, 2008: A meeting was held with residents of the Snowbird Community near Robbinsville. Study corridors for four preliminary alternatives (Alternatives 1, 2, 3 and 4) were presented. Approximately 50 to 60 people attended the meeting, and 21 written comments and several verbal comments were received.

Jan. 23, 2007: The project merger team met and reached agreement on the project's purpose - improving safety on N.C. 143 - and established the limits of the project study area.

Initial Project Study Area Limits, December 2006

March 1993: Feasibility Study March 1993

Last updated Oct. 6, 2020