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Project Highlights

​​Work on the project would be divided into two sections:

Watauga Bridge Replacement (Section BA)

The Watauga bridge, which carries N.C. 105 over the Watauga River north of the Broadstone Road intersection, would be replaced. Construction began in January, 2022. The N.C. 105 widening is expected to begin in 2024. These schedules are tentative and subject to change.​​​

N.C. 105 Widening (Section B)

Between Old Shull's Mill Road and Broadstone Road, improvements include extending the existing passing lane to the south, realigning a sharp turn at the southern intersection at Old Shull's Mill Road and N.C. 105, and closing the northern Old Shull's Mill Road and N.C. 105 intersection.

Between Broadstone Road and N.C. 105 Bypass, work includes widening the roadway to four lanes with a 23-foot-wide raised grass median.

Six-foot paved shoulders will be added along the entire 4.5-mile corridor. The shoulder widths and retaining wall heights will vary along the corridor depending on how steep the mountain is in a particular area. The design includes a reduced conflict i​ntersection. ​

Last updated Jan. 21, 2022