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Project Highlights

​​​​​The improvements for the Nashville-Rocky Mount area comprise three projects currently listed separately in the N.C. Department of Transportation’s State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP R-5720, U-5996 and U-5026).

To complete these improvements, NCDOT has combined them into two sets of projects with their own contract letting schedules, which are described below:

  • Widen Eastern Avenue between Red Oak and North Old Carriage roads into a four-lane road with a raised median (STIP R-5720). And replace the Sunset Avenue bridge over I-95 and add an interchange with ramps and loops to provide new access to the highway (STIP U-5026). Sunset Avenue also will be widened to four lanes with a raised median between Halifax and North Old Carriage roads. The project will include a multi-use trail along Sunset Avenue from North Old Carriage Road to Halifax Road. On Oct. 24, 2019, NCDOT awarded a $60.5 million design-build contract for this set of projects. As of August 2022, the design-build team has completed the design phase and right-of-way negotiations for the current contract. Construction activities have been underway since mid-2021, and construction is anticipated to be completed by November 2023.

  • Widen North Old Carriage Road between Eastern Avenue and Green Hills Road (STIP U-5996). The portion of the route south of U.S. 64 will become four lanes with a raised median, and the rest will be widened to three lanes to create an open-center turn lane to reduce congestion and the risk of rear-end collisions. The North Old Carriage Road bridge over U.S. 64 will be replaced and widened, too, but traffic on the bridge will be maintained during the construction of a new bridge. On January 27, 2022, NCDOT awarded a $20.3 million construction contract for this project. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the fall of 2024. 

  • Overall, NCDOT will build 11 roundabouts across the three STIP projects, and the existing roundabout at Nash Community College’s Eastern Avenue entrance will be improved. Roundabouts improve safety​ because drivers must slow down when using them, and the structures improve traffic flow. Medians improve safety by reducing the risk of crashes.

Last updated Nov. 16, 2022