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Project Highlights

​​I-40 Widening

The N.C. Department of Transportation is widening 13 miles of I-40, from I-440 (exit 301) in Raleigh to Cornwallis Road (mile marker 314) in Clayton, by adding two lanes in each direction.

Construction started in fall 2018 and is scheduled to be completed late 2024.

Diverging diamond in​terchange​s​ will be added to the Jones Sausage Road (exit 303) and N.C. 42 (exit 312) interchanges. 

New flyover bridges at the I-40/I-440 interchange opened December 2020.

I-40/N.C. 42 Interchange Upgrades

Improvements to the I-40/N.C. 42 interchange (exit 312) and surrounding a network of roads (including Cleveland Road) in Johnston County will allow the area to better handle large volumes of traffic.

Construction of a diverging diamond interchange at I-40/N.C. 42 and an interchange at Cleveland Road is underway.

​The project is being closely coordinated with the completion of the I-540 Outer Loop around the greater Raleigh metropolitan area.

Last updated Apr. 27, 2023