Project Overview
Traffic Information
What's traffic like in the I-40/I-77 Interchange project area in Iredell County?
The N.C. Department of Transportation is continuing to make improvements to the Intestate 40/77 interchange in Statesville with the start of the second phase of the project.
The first phase involved widening I-40 from four to six lanes in each direction from Old Mocksville Road to east of N.C. 115 and revising the U.S. 21 interchange to a Diverging Diamond interchange.
The second phase is focused on collector-distributor lanes on I-40 East, widening I-77 from Exit 49B to north of the I-40 interchange, and building a partial turbine interchange at the two interstates.
Collector-distributor lanes separates thru traffic from entering/exiting traffic for specific interchanges. This type of separation creates less traffic congestion and safer driving. The I-40/I-77 interchange will be a partial turbine. It will not be a full turbine because of the cloverleaf ramp remaining in place from I-70 southbound to I-40 eastbound.
This work will help improve congestion as well as safety. The interchange currently sees more than 70,000 vehicles per day, and traffic is projected to grow to 110,000 vehicles per day by 2035.
The intersection is a critical component of North Carolina's highway system. Built in the late 1960s, the current configuration has outlived its original purpose.
The project delivery method is design-build, which means the contractor has partnered with a design firm to develop the plans and build the project.
Upcoming Public Meetings
There are no upcoming public meetings for this project.