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Project Highlights

​​Elm Lane Bridge Reopens to Traffic

The N.C. Department of Transportation opened the new Elm Lane Bridge to traffic in September 2021. The bridge features an additional travel lane, a 12–foot multi-use path on the west side, and an 8–foot sidewalk on the east side.

Additional General Purpose Lane between Rea Road & Providence Road Opened to Traffic 

The third general purpose lane in each direction opened to traffic between Rea Road and Providence Road in November 2021.

​​Design Noise Report Completed

The preliminary noise study for the I-485 Express Lanes (called a Traffic Noise Report) was completed in 2018 and identified 21 locations that initially met the criteria for noise walls in accordance with NCDOT's Traffic Noise Policy.  

NCDOT reevaluated these preliminary noise wall locations in 2019 based on additional roadway design and elevation data that was not previously available.  

The results of the final design noise analysis, which will be documented in the Design Noise Report, will determine the locations, heights, and lengths of the noise wall recommended for construction. This evaluation was used to determine the locations, heights, and lengths of the noise walls recommended for construction. 

The results of the analysis are documented in the Design Noise Report​, completed in April 2020. All property owners and tenants who are benefitted by a noise wall were asked to vote on the barriers through a process called balloting. Recommended noise walls that passed the balloting process were included in constructions plans.​

Design-Build Contract Awarded

After reviewing contractor proposals and opening bids in September 2018,  NCDOT awarded a design-build contract to Blythe Construction Inc., of Charlotte.

The design-build concept helps NCDOT complete projects faster by allowing the design, environmental permitting, right of way acquisition, utility relocation and construction to take place under one contract. This concept helps NCDOT lower cost inflation, lessen environmental impacts and, by completing a project faster, reduces construction delays for drivers.

​Environmental Document Approved

The federal Categorical Exclusion for the I-485 Express Lanes project was approved in August 2018. This document provides information on design alternatives considered for the project as well as potential impacts on social, economic and natural environmental resources, and satisfies the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Preferred Alternative Selected

NCDOT, in coordination with the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization, area municipalities and local/regional planning agencies, has selected the design – referred to as the Preferred Alternative – which includes the location of direct connectors and access points for the I-485 express lanes project.

  • Direct connectors – exit and entrance ramps directly connecting express lanes and cross streets – would be installed at Johnston Road and Westinghouse Boulevard.
  • Access points – locations where vehicles can enter and exit the express lanes – will be designed to allow adequate time for drivers to safely drive in and out of the express lanes.

Last updated Jun. 26, 2023