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Sept. 29, 2018 Facilitated Listening Session

In September 2018, the N.C. Department of Transportation held a series of facilitated listening sessions to hear the public’s concerns and suggestions about proposed improvements to address congestion and safety concerns at both the I-440/Glenwood Avenue interchange and the intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Blue Ridge/Lead Mine roads.

Each session included a group presentation and a number of breakout groups in which participants provided their input.

Input collected in these breakout groups was compiled into a discovery report.

View the presentation and flip chart images below from the Sept. 29, 2018, session. Each breakout group is identified by the room number where it met.

Saturday, Sept. 29, 2018

Martin Middle School
1701 Ridge Road
Raleigh, NC 27607

The transcripts that were initially posted have been removed due to errors in them, specifically errors that attributed comments to certain speakers that were not made. The revised transcripts are now available below.

Last updated Dec. 11, 2018