Project Overview
The N.C. Department of Transportation constructed a four-lane freeway from U.S. 70 Relocation to U.S. 29 north of Greensboro, completing the U.S. 70 interchange and building two new interchanges connecting the Greensboro Loop to Huffine Mill Road and U.S. 29.
News and Updates
This portion of the Greensboro Urban Loop was originally slated for completion in December 2018. NCDOT contractors exceeded the delivery date by a year, opening the Eastern Loop to traffic on Dec. 6, 2017.
Project Highlights
- Built a four-lane freeway from U.S. 70 Relocation to U.S. 29 north of Greensboro.
- Completed the Greensboro Loop/U.S. 70 interchange.
- Realign Huffine Mill Road from Oakleigh Road to Harvest Road.
- Built an interchange at the intersection of the Greensboro Loop and realigned Huffine Mill Road.
- Built bridges on the Greensboro Loop over Camp Burton Road, North Buffalo Creek, Rankin Mill Road and Hines Chapel Road.
- Built a cul-de-sac at the end of Briarmeade Road north and south of the Greensboro Loop.
- Realigned McKnight Mill Road from Briarmeade Road to Link Road.
- Built a bridge on realigned McKnight Mill Road over the Greensboro Loop.
- Built an interchange at the intersection of the Greensboro Loop and U.S. 29.
- Modified the U.S. 29/Hicone Road interchange.
- Extended and build a cul-de-sac at the end of Sanctuary Drive.
- Built a cul-de-sac at the end of Assembly Road.
- Built a cul-de-sac at the end of Langside Road.
- Eliminated a portion of White Rock Road.
- Eliminated Grafton Road.
- Built service roads along U.S. 29 to allow access to properties affected by access control fencing.